Following on from last years successful first season, Team Manager Mark Wyer has selected 8 riders to comprise the EC-CA youth development squad. With the great promise being shown by some of the younger riders, a further 4 riders make up the Under 14’s squad who will hopefully graduate to the main youth squad over the next coupe of years.
The squad is going to fund taking two youth teams to the Inter-Area Championships. Mark explained that they are in Exeter this season so it would be a costly undertaking for parents to get their youngsters there without assistance. He added that the Inter-Areas are a good opportunity for us to measure our progress against other regions and build on our bronze medal from last season. In addition squad riders are provided with extra training sessions, race feedback and are linked with coaches or mentors. Mark also added that we still need a couple of mentors from amongst the ranks of the experienced senior/veteran riders to help develop our best youth riders. Mentors help out at races by taking riders round the course and giving race feedback. Any volunteers should make themselves known to Mark (CC Ashwell) at league events.
Youth squad riders are targeting the National Trophy Series and the National Championships and have already put in some promising performances in the first two rounds.
Funding for the squad has been provided by the Beastway Mountain Bike series, the EC-CA and from the surplus made at the CC Ashwell event. Any further donations would be welcome, especially from clubs that have some funds for youth development.