See the British Cycling web site for an extensive range of information and documents to assist you in organising your event.
Click on the links below for further documents that you might find useful.
For commisaire event report form, incident report form, and penalty form, see the commissaires page on British Cycling.
Commisaire check list (PDF document).
Commisaire start procedure 2012 onwards (Word document).
Organiser report form (Word document).
Course guidance, including start area, pits, planks (PDF document, updated 5th October 2010).
Eastern prize fund 2024-25 onwards (Word document).
Event levy return form 2024-25 onwards (Excel document).
Risk assessment documents: blank or example (Excel documents).
Officials' expense claim form 2024-25 onwards (Excel document).
To read the PDF documents you'll need Adobe Reader. You can Get Adobe Reader here.