Click here to join the league.

We're no longer taking entries for the season. Watch this space for details of how to enter next season.

Entries for the season are not yet open. Watch this space for details.

The cost of League membership for remains at £15 for seniors and veterans, £11 for juniors, £8 for youths, and £2 for under 12s.

You can join via the British Cycling web site. You need to be a member of British Cycling to join the League ("Member" level is sufficient) and you need to be logged in to your British Cycling account. You can enter directly on the British Cycling site - there's no need to email us beforehand. Note that British Cycling charge a non-refundable £1 administration fee for each entry.

Please take care to join the correct age category. It's your age on that counts, not your age when you join the league.

When you join the league, you'll be asked whether you want to race in the Open or Female category. Even though British Cycling already knows your Competition Eligibility, that information doesn't come through to us, so we need to ask again.

You must join the league before on-line entries close for the first event you wish to ride. This is normally midnight on the Tuesday before the event. If you haven't joined in time, you'll still be able to ride but you won't qualify for league points.

Your league membership runs from the date you join until the end of the season, which is usually in January or February.

If you're looking to enter a particular race rather than join the league, you'll find a link on the individual race page, or you can search directly on British Cycling.

Your age category for Eastern League events is determined by your year of birth, according to the following table:

There are some limited opportunities for adults (16 years or over) to ride outside of their "official" category. Here's what's allowed and what's not...

The Open Senior/Junior race is open to anyone who is 16 or over on . There are no separate prizes for over-40s, and you will not get British Cycling veteran ranking points (though you can earn BC senior ranking points if you finish high enough).

The other races are restricted category. That means the only people allowed to ride the Vet 40-49 race are riders who will be between 40 and 49 on . The only people allowed to ride the Vet 50-59 race are riders who will be between 50 and 59 on . The only people allowed to ride the Vet 60+ race are riders who will be 60 or over on .

If you're a veteran or a woman and you want to ride two races in a day, you can do so but one must be your official race (i.e. Women, Vet 40-49, Vet 50-59, or Vet 60+ as appropriate) and the other must be the Open Senior/Junior race.

League membership works similarly but you can only be in one league during the year. If you are a woman, veteran or junior and you would prefer to compete in the Open league, email the results compiler to request a change of league category.